Thursday, March 03, 2005

On Being a Klutz

I fell down the stairs at Allen Library today. It was only a couple of stairs, and thankfully I'm pretty sure I was not observed, but still. And they were cement stairs, and I landed really hard on my right knee, and it's all swollen, and it hurts like hell. Now, this isn't remarkable on its own, except that I am forever tripping over my own feet. Last quarter, in the middle of teaching a class, I spun around and my feet flew out from under me and I ended up on, yes, that same poor right knee. Now, that was embarrassing. I had almost forgotten about it until today, when I was discussing my stairwell excursion and one of my students said, "Hey, didn't you do something like that in class last quarter?" Too bad they don't have such good memories when it comes to exams...


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