Life Aquatic
I went to see The Life Aquatic last night...I must say I was a bit disappointed. It was funny, but I don't think I'll have the urge to see it again. Like a not-quite-as-good version of The Royal Tennenbaums, with more likeable characters.
I signed up for NetFlix today in a spate of boredom at work. It's part of the "spend less money" plan. How does that work you ask? I am planning to cancel my obscenely expensive HBO/Skinemax cable plan and replace it with movies I might actually want to watch, instead of watching Showgirls (truly a trainwreck of a movie) and A League of their Own over and over again. We'll see how this goes - I have been meaning to cancel these channels for about a year now and not been able to bring myself to do it...
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