Sunday, January 09, 2005

A busy weekend

It snowed last night! Not enough to be interesting, and it was gone by noon, but, still, it was snow. Apparently there was a huge storm in the Sierras and I am getting shit for deciding to go to NYC instead of skiing in Tahoe. Alas...
I took down my Christmas tree yesterday, and discovered that having a fake tree doesn't necessarily save one from having to vacuum up needles. At least the soft plastic ones don't stab you in the bottom of your foot for the next six months...
I saw Finding Neverland tonight, and that is definitely a movie worth seeing. Johnny Depp was good as always, and the story is gripping the whole way through. I will admit that tears were shed, and not just by me. It's not saying much if it's me, as I've been known to weep uncontrollably at Kodak commercials...
Last night I went to a cookbook exchange party and came out with a vegetarian cookbook. It was the nicest book there, but it's ironic that with several meatphobes in attendance I ended up with it! My white chocolate cheesecake was a hit, but I was a bit disappointed that it didn't taste more chocolatey.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Life Aquatic

I went to see The Life Aquatic last night...I must say I was a bit disappointed. It was funny, but I don't think I'll have the urge to see it again. Like a not-quite-as-good version of The Royal Tennenbaums, with more likeable characters.
I signed up for NetFlix today in a spate of boredom at work. It's part of the "spend less money" plan. How does that work you ask? I am planning to cancel my obscenely expensive HBO/Skinemax cable plan and replace it with movies I might actually want to watch, instead of watching Showgirls (truly a trainwreck of a movie) and A League of their Own over and over again. We'll see how this goes - I have been meaning to cancel these channels for about a year now and not been able to bring myself to do it...

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Keeping the iPod warm...


So, today's Newsweek contains the random musing of the day. Apparently, Howard Ramsey, a Missourite and the president of Noodlers Anonymous, is excited about the prospect of a statewide noodling season. What is noodling you ask? It's catching catfish with your bare hands, which until recently has been a misdemeanor. The question is, why would anyone want to participate in this craziness, and, perhaps more importantly, why did they bother to make it illegal? Seems to me that if you're crazy enough to want to catch catfish with your hands you might as well be allowed...

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

So, I thought I would take a foray into the world of blogging. Not because I think anyone really cares about my random musings, but more because, let's face it, I spend a lot of time just sitting around in lab waiting for things to thaw...and because editing my Friendster profile everytime I felt like writing something was getting to be a bit tedious.